Livestream access to entire four day retreat
Starts in
30% off the regular price of $99
Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition.
Her 2019 UK retreat is titled, The Power of Holy Language to Change Your Life. This all access livestream pass gives you access to four days, as well as to recording for four weeks afterwards.
Monday February 25th: 17:30pm - 18:30pm (USA: 12:30pm EST)
Tuesday February 26th: 9:30am - 4:30pm (USA: 4:30am EST)
Wednesday February 27th: 9:30am - 4:30pm (USA: 4:30am EST)
Thursday February 28th: 9:30am - 11:00am (USA: 4:30am EST)
Holy language has many forms of expression: Sacred dance, sacred music, sacred art, and sacred rituals. But in our lives we most often turn to prayer, guidance and grace as our personal vessel to connect with the Sacred. Holy language may well be the oldest language in the world, given its many expressions. Human beings have sensed since the beginning of tribal life that something – some force – greater than themselves was the source of creation. And they honored that Source.
Holy language is distinctly different from ordinary language, though many of the words are the same. It stands apart from ordinary language because of our intention and because the words written by the authors of sacred texts were guided by grace. They were written with the intention of bringing grace and illumination to the reader, not information.
Understanding the power of holy language can change your life. Holy language has the capacity to inspire you, to open your inner world to guidance, to bring you to a place of resolution, and to help you see your way through a dark night. We turn to holy language when we need healing, when we are in despair, and when we recognize we have been given a miracle. Ordinary language is simply inadequate to communicate the gratitude of the soul.
In this workshop, Caroline will examine the meaning of “holy” within the contemporary setting of our lives. What is holy? What meaning should that have for us today? And I will introduce “holy language” and the power of those words applied to every day situations. Would problems in your life shift in any way if you used holy language to describe them?
You will explore the power of prayer and what it means to receive inner guidance. What exactly is the power of prayer and how do you know prayers are answered?
Finally, you will apply holy language to healing and inner transformation. How do we pursue deep healing of inner wounds? How do we seek our inner nature while being terrified of finding it?
A personal message from Caroline - "I hope you will join me for this powerful workshop. The Holy Language: Prayer, Guidance and Grace is my next book and I am thrilled to teach this extraordinary, life-changing subject."
Once registered, you will be given full access to all UK sessions online. They will be broadcast in HD quality with multiple cameras, meaning you can watch from home but feel like you are in the room with us. And, don’t worry if you can’t watch all sessions live, you will have access to recordings for four weeks afterwards. Save 30%. $69 reduced from $99 for limited time.
Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author of the books Anatomy Of The Spirit, Why People Don’t Heal And How They Can, Sacred Contracts, Invisible Acts Of Power, Entering the Castle and Defy Gravity. Caroline is an internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition.
Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to hosting a weekly radio show on the Hay House network, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule. In 2003, Oprah Winfrey gave Caroline her own television program with the OXYGEN network in New York City, which ran successfully for one year.
Conscious Life is the leading video platform for mindfulness, yoga and conscious living. Having broadcast over 500 hours of workshops with around 150 teachers, and featuring leaders such as Byron Katie, Marianne Williamson and Ken Wilber, Conscious Life is a world leading resource for online learning. At the heart of Conscious Life's offering is its broadcast quality multi-camera studio which will make you feel like you are in the room live with its teachers.